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A Guide to Le Regent

Maya Varga ( Grade 6) wrote a guide to any students who find it confusing to attend this school.

What school’s like

If you are new to this school then this might be important for you. Last year I came to this school and I was a bit overwhelmed. Everything was weird and new, so I want to help everyone.

Le Regent is a very nice community, almost like a family, but there are a few confusing parts. Maybe the classes confuse you but you will most likely stay in your own class. In French and science sometimes you might have to change classes.

Your iPad is an important part of your daily school life but, sometimes you can get in a bit of trouble for using it at the wrong time. Only use your iPad when you are told to or if it is something extremely important. If a teacher tells you off then tell them why you were using your iPad and they might understand.

When it comes to lunch you might get confused. Class 2 and 3 usually sit together during lunch but older classes can sit with almost anyone. If you are in class 1,2 or three you are quite lucky because you don’t have to wait for any other classes.

I hope you got to understand this school a bit more!


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