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Achille Talks Animals...

Researched and Reported by: Achille Crocco (Class 4)

Source: "Prickly and Poisonous" by Anita Ganeri

Animals can be mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, invertebrates and amphibians.

But some animals unfortunately are extinct such as: mamo, Tasmanian wolf. Animals have a Geiger Anonymous ecosystem as in this mind map:

In this ecosystem you can see the leopard frog that eats the cricket and the cricket that eats the grass because every animal to survive needs to eat in fact let’s say that the fish eats zooplankton and zooplankton eat phytoplankton and phytoplankton eats bacteria and like this on. But this can even happen with plants especially carnivorous plants but and with normal plants. But ecosystem’s can be and in bigger animals such as an elephant.

Barn owls:

Found in all continents except Antarctica, the barn owl is the most widespread of all species of owls,and one of the most widely distributed of all land birds.It have a pale,heart-shaped face,long legs covered in white feathers, and a very short tail. The female lays eggs in a hollow tree or abandoned building. She feeds the young with food brought by the male;she also broods them up to 3 weeks from hatching,until they have acquired the down they to keep themselves warm. Changing agriculture practices have reduced the barn owl’s food supply; in some areas, it is now rare.


All snakes are meat eaters,feeding on animals ranging from mice, birds, and frogs to antelopes and alligators.Some snakes,boa constrictor, kill their prey by squeezing it to death.Others,such as cobras,taipans,vipers,and rattlesnakes,use deadly poisons.In many cases,the snake bites it’s victim and injects poison into it through two long,hollow teeth,called fangs.Then it’s swallows its prey whole.Snake poison is a mixture of chemicals and its made in the snake’s salivary glands.Some 35.000 people worldwide die of snakes bites every year-just a teaspoon of cobra poison could kill 80 people.But don’t be alarmed: only about 50 2,700 spices of snakes poisonous to people,and snakes are usually attack only if provoked-they prefer to slither of and hide.Many people bitten by snakes can be treated with an antivenom.


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