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Camélia's "Story Mountain"

Camélia (from Class 4) has been working on her narrative writing skills with Ms Ribeiro, her EAL teacher. After reading a book, the class were introduced to the "story mountain" concept (see photo!). Camélia then had to plan and write a story using narrative techniques including a clear beginning, a dilemma and an end; use of sensory imagery, and punctuation to create voice, suspense, surprise.

Camélia arrived at Le Régent last year with very little English. Here is the result of Camélia's hard work:

Once upon a time a little princess who asked her mum for a golden ball.

Mum said, “There is no golden ball in the world”.

The little princess said “you promised to buy me everything for my birthday”.

So, the queen looked for a man who could make a golden ball. The little princess was happy.

Later, she played with her golden ball but one day SPLASH!!! The ball slid in a pond so she was crying. After, she saw a frog and the frog said “I can help you but you have to promise one thing”. The princess said “okay”. So, the frog helped the princess but the princess went to her house.

The frog showed up her when she was eating dinner . The frog jumped on the table and said “A promise is a promise !”. So, the frog went on the table and ate with her family. Then the queen said “What did you do again”? “Nothing “. The princess said. So , the frog said “I’m going to sleep with you”. After, the princesse said”okay you can sleep in this box”. The frog said “No I don’t want to sleep in this box! “I want sleep on a pillow”. “Okay! The princesse said. Then, the frog jumped on the pillow . Suddenly, something magical happened!

The frog became a prince!

The princess was in shock! “WHAT?”, said the princess.

“Are are are you real?”

“Yes of course I’m real!” said the prince.

In the end they became best friends.

Many years later, they got married.


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