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Cooking in the Combles!

This week, Grade 2 students were cooking up a storm in the Combles kitchen located at the top floor of the Junior School Boarding House. As part of their IPC unit called "How Humans Work", they are currently learning about how the body functions and how to look after ourselves.

One way to care for our body is to try new foods and eat healthy, balanced meals. Their task was to work as a team to design a healthy menu that they could plan and prepare for a class lunch.

At the beginning, some of the students were a bit nervous about trying new foods or spices, but by the end of their lunch, their plates were scraped clean (at least most of them were)! They realised that making healthy choices can be fun, and that working together is even better!

Grade 2 would like to thank the Junior School Boarding House parents for welcoming them into their kitchen!

-Miss Frank


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