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Dia de Los Muertos in the Junior School!

Some of our Junior School children share their thoughts about what they learnt while celebrating the "Day of the Dead!" We look forward to continuing to learn about many more traditions from other cultures and traditions!

Class 1:

Bosco - "I liked when we got to create skeletons using clay. I learned how to make the shape of a skull."

Marceau - "I really liked eating the bread. We made skulls."

Carlotta - "I made skulls in school and paper shapes. I learned to show other people how to learn Spanish. It was fun."

Manfredi - "Today I made some skeletons and I made Papel Picado"

Luca - "I made skulls. I helped my friends to learn about Dia de Los Muertos."

Class 2 and 3:

Jibek - "I really liked and enjoyed doing the paper creating."

Vasiliy - "Today I found the day of the dead and I like d making skeletons and papel Picado."

Constantijn - "I like making the skeletons, it was fun!"

Jack - "I didn’t know that you needed salt to push the negative energy away."

Nicholas - "I enjoyed drawing the pictures and I learned about the dining."

Marie - "Josephine- I like the day of the dead because it is fun!"

Lena - "Today I learned about the day of the dead. I liked that we made skeletons."

Zoe - "Today I learnt that during the day of the dead you put their favourite food on the graves of your loved ones."

Sophia - "Today we made skeletons and papel Picado."

Eshvin: "I really liked making the skeleton and drawing my favourite food. I learnt that you need to set up so many things for the day of the dead!"

Class 4:

Yamis - "I loved this morning because I learned lots of stuff about Dia de Los Muertos. We didn't have any lessons."

Mia - "Today we celebrated the day of the dead. First, we made skulls out of clay, then we added feathers and beads to the skulls. After that, we made papel picado. This is paper that you fold and cut which comes out as beautiful designs and patterns. After, we drew pictures of our family that have passed away to add to our altars. It was a morning of fun."

Constance - "I discovered that we use salt to push away the negative energy. I made skulls, papel picado and we ate Pan de muerto."

Nicolas - "Dia de Los Muertos is a day to celebrate the people who have died. We created an altar and ate Pan de muerto. "


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