Maya (grade 6) wrote about the glory of half term break. Just a disclaimer, do not believe the second paragraph.
Half Term Break
Half term break sucks (a joke). It ruins everything (also a joke). Everyone can’t wait to go to school (a very very big joke).
I know you're thinking about what I am talking about saying that a half term break sucks. If you think about it, you don’t get to see your friends for an entire week. And most importantly, you don’t see your teachers. Today (one day before the break) I had two tests. Who doesn’t love getting anxious about their results during half term break. But actually, who doesn’t love waking up early to get to school, especially when you remember that morning you have a test. The one bad thing about half term breaks is that you can sleep in and not wake up early.
I just want to let everyone know… the paragraph before this one was a complete joke, except for the beginning, who doesn’t love sleeping in until 10 am and going to sleep at midnight. I still think I will miss my friends but I am so excited for the half term break.
By Maya