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Maya Asks "Why do we name cyclones?"

You might be thinking ‘why not just say storm 360 or cyclone 4’. Well before I answer that question, let’s figure out what cyclones are. Cyclones are somewhat like tornadoes, they are winds circling. From the following photo, some of them look rather nice.

But if you look from where the people live then it looks tragic.

Now comes the big question. Why are cyclones named?

Well, the reason they are named is because then people are more aware. For example, imagine there is a cyclone named ‘cyclone A’. People might forget what the name is but imagine there is a cyclone called ‘The Red Square’. Which one do you think more people will remember?

It can also make sure you know which cyclone we are talking about. If in the past there was cyclone A and now there was cyclone B, people might get mixed up. But if instead of B we had Cralinsum, people would not get easily mixed up.

Also, in case you do not read the news, there was a cyclone called Cyclone Batsirai just hit madagascar today (10/02/2022). It flooded a tropical place leaving all the crops drowned.

Thank you for reading!

Written by Maya C5 for the Junior School Scoop


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