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News or Fake News; Why is it Important?

Crystal Jiang (C6) discusses the importance of learning about Fake News.

Over the last half term, our computing class has been working on a project about fake news.

Our class learned how to identify fake news and how to write our own fake news story. Some people might not find that important, but in my opinion, I think it is.

Technology and social media can now be impressionable on the young minds of our generation. And, with the dangers of online media, knowing what is real and what is not can be major. Spreading lies and fake information can, even without you knowing, harm others. Posting something online that is not true can spread false rumors or turn into something bigger.

Now, of course, with lies there also is the truth side of it. So, research is also important. Before sharing a story online with others, check if it is true or not. Always google the author/writer, the URL or website, and the news headline. Learning these small things at a young age can also help in later life. You don’t have to spot these on pen and paper only, you can do it with words too. Spotting if someone is lying to you can be helpful in later jobs.

Learning and understanding the importance of identifying lies and fake news on the internet is crucial.


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