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Star of the (Last 3) Weeks!

Read Barney's catch up of the last few students who have impressed!


A major celebration for this week's star of the week as Shoma has it. Remember a couple of terms ago Shoma had it, well it’s happened again!

This time for being friendly and a role model during Choir. Hooray for Shoma!


The time for star of the week has come again and this time it’s our very own Faustine! She got it for always being productive and always being positive in school. Truely amazing job, Faustine!


This week, after Faustines time to shine, the weekly award has gone to a new star! It has gone to the lovely Achille! He was nominated firstly for keeping lots of notes in French and Also for concentrating on all his work in his other lessons! Well done, Achille!


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