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Student Responsibilities

Students thrive when they are given responsibility. They feel trusted, empowered and noticed.

Here at LRJS, we are always asking the children to take responsibility for their actions, reminding them that all of their actions have consequences and provide opportunities for personal growth.

As well as personal responsibility, there are opportunities for the children to take on more formal responsibilities in the form of being a student council representative or, when they reach Grade 5, a House Captain.

The Student Council meets with me every four weeks in the Senior Cafe. We have a working lunch and a member from each year group represents the views and opinions of their class. It is an opportunity for the children to understand what it means to be part of a democracy - where every member of the community has a voice - and how important it is to communicate and listen effectively. Each class was given the opportunity to nominate the person who they felt would best do this - and the results were as follows:

Council Representatives

C2 Lily Williams

C3 Vasiliy Gorbunov

C4 Pauline Gornyy

C5 Constance Hanique

The House Captain roles are new this year, and, as the house systems grow in their prominence, we hope that the roles will become established as an important and long term Le Regent tradition.

There are 2 houses: Monte Rosa and Matterhorn. Each child is allocated to a house on their arrival to the school, and when House Points are awarded to children for their positive behaviour, attitude, learning and growth, the points are also added to their house's total. At the end of each term, the winning house is rewarded with a Molino's pizza lunch in the luxury of the boarding house's living room!

All of Grade 5 were invited to formally "apply" for the roles of House Captains, stating why they wanted the role and why they would make a good leader. The applications came in the form of emails, printed letters and a video! We were all very impressed with the thought and content of the applications and the results were as follows:

House Captain

Monte Rosa

Charlotte Holden

Constance Hanique


Mia Fijan Korsgaard

Fahad Al Mukhaizeem

Mrs Park

Head of Le Regent JS


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